Volunteering and confinement

You can’t ignore it, the months of March and April 2020 have been special for everyone!

First, the library closed its doors to the public. But me and my colleagues still worked at the library.

But the very next week, all the volunteers received a message from the coordinators, saying that we needed to stay at home, and could go outside only for groceries. Fortunately for me, my work at the library could be done from home: to write articles for the blog, to create wishes cards for Easter and, for the biggest part of my time, to create videos for the “Okiem Marine”, my weekly art history post for the library’s Facebook and YouTube accounts!

So I organized my work as I wished! I woke up when I wanted and started to work when I wanted, which means that I began to work around 10:30 AM, and finished later than at the library, around 6 PM.

I went out only for shopping, 2 or 3 times a week. 

Fortunately for my flatmate and me, we have a balcony directly under the sun, we’ve never used it that much before the confinement! So I took a lot of breakfast in the sun, the perfect way to start a day!

Besides working hours, I had more time to practice sport, to read, watch movies alone or with Anna my flatmate and learn Polish (a bit...)!

The beginning of this confinement was going really well, more time to do more stuffs, sun, Skype with my parents and friends, perfect!

But after a few weeks I long to see something else than the houses in front of the balcony… I wish I could go at least to Warsaw, to stroll and change my outlook!

Step by step, we were allowed to go outside, with a mask, in the forest. A new life was coming!

In May, the library opened to the public again, so I came back to work, yay! I'm doing the same work that I did from home, but now I can talk to a lot of people, and I can go outside for a long time!

We don’t know yet when this situation will end entirely, but I hope we will have time to travel more before the end of our project in August, we still have to visit Gdańsk and Wrocław at least! Fortunately again, we didn’t wait for the brighter days to start exploring Poland, so we've already seen Warsaw, Toruń, Krakow and Poznań!

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