Presentations of France in the schools

Pomiechówek is a small town. There are not a lot of foreigners who come to this city, except the volunteers of the library and cultural center. So when Anna and I arrived in September, we became the representatives of our countries, Austria and France (and we still are, until the new volunteers come!). And as good representatives, we made presentations on France and Austria, to allow people to discover or better know about it. We both went to the primary school to present in English what our countries are famous for: food, people, sport, landscapes, arts, etc. 3 times, classes listened to us carefully. Some students had questions, which were very interesting, but most of them were shy, or we didn’t have time to have a real conversation… Too bad...

Anyway, a few weeks later, and a few times after, I went to the high school to present France, this time in French, linked with the French lessons and teachers (who translated into Polish what I said)! Without exaggerating, I spoke in front of hundreds of students, which I had never done before! It could have been really frightening, but I surprised myself to be very calm and confident (I changed so much since I am in Poland…), no trembling nor hesitating! The students were interested in what I talked about, but just a very few dared asking questions. That’s a shame, I wanted to have a longer conversation with them, to know more what they think about my country!

Spin-off of my presentation of France, on the Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday) I realized a presentation of the French food traditions (the Galette des Rois, Candlemas, Mardi Gras, Easter and Christmas), for a class of Primary school. And this presentation ended with a demonstration and a lesson of Breton dances, from my region!

I really love to share knowledge about my country, and especially talking about it with the people afterwards!

PS: honestly, while preparing these presentations, I discovered things about my on country that I didn’t know, it has some good...

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