August 2017 - EVS decision or how everything started...

July 16, 2018

Cześć !

My name is Angeline, I am 21 and I come from France.

I started my EVS (aka European Voluntary Service) in the library of Pomiechówek, Poland, in September 2017 and this amazing experience will end in August 2018.

12 months in Poland... 12 months of discoveries, meetings, personal challenges and travels... 12 months with everything to learn, a culture shock and a language barrier to overcome and a new environment to adapt... But also 12 months sharing time with amazingly nice people in a place I will miss as soon as I will leave. 12 months, that's a lot to share with you, dear reader !

Let's go step by step and start with the beginning...

After two years of French preparatory class focused on Humanities and a third year at the university to study English Literature and Civilization, I finally got graduated in English in 2017. Then I should have naturally kept on studying to obtain a Master and start my professional life... However, I dreamt a lot about seeing something else, discovering the world and improving my English while trying to find the professional path that fits the best with who I was. I needed a true challenge to grow up and finally find my own way through this jungle.

During my third year at the university, I decided to plan a gap year and I applied to be a French Assistant in Ireland the following year but unfortunately I wasn't chosen as there were so many applications for just a few schools and I didn't have any previous teaching experience... However, stubborn as I was, I decided to check what I could find on the Internet, my aim of living abroad couldn't just stop after one failure ! So I applied for different projects everywhere around the world - all of them linked in a way with cultural aspects - in very different countries such as Laos, China, England, Emirates, Mauritania and... Poland.

Yes, here is my confession: Poland wasn't my first choice or even the only country I applied for... but no doubt it was the best decision ever ! Magic of unknown places ! ;)

So here I am, taking part in an EVS in the opposite part of Europe and sharing my unforgettable experience on this blog !

If you want to know more about my adventures in Poland, dear reader, be patient, other articles are coming...
Stay around !


Psst ! These are some useful links you may want to check:

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